
Professor Mazzucato regularly publishes articles in respected academic journals, as well as policy papers aimed at policymakers worldwide, and early stage research in the form of working papers.

Research | Publications

Journal articles

Professor Mazzucato publishes regularly in respected academic journals. Browse a complete list of all published articles, including abstracts and links to the journal articles.

Working papers

Professor Mazzucato regularly publishes original and early stage research in the form of working papers. Browse a complete list of working papers here, with abstracts and links to download papers.

Policy papers

Professor Mazzucato regularly publishes and contributes to Policy Papers aimed at policymakers worldwide. Brows a complete list of all published papers, with summaries and links to download papers.

The Big Con

The Big Con

"The Big Con is not a crime. It’s a confidence trick. Consultancies know less than they claim, cost more than they seem to, and prevent the public sector from building in-house capabilities." The Financial Times

Mission Economy

Mission Economy

"She offers something both broad and scarce: a compelling new story about how to create a desirable future." New York Times

The Value of Everything

The Value of Everything

"Mazzucato calls for nothing less than a complete reconsideration of our system of economic values.” New Statesman

Chapters in books

Professor Mazzucato regularly contributes chapters to other academic books. Browse a list of all books she has contributed to.

Articles and blogs

Professor Mazzucato contributes regularly to media around the world. To read articles and blogs she has written go to the media page.